รถ Diabetes at Work
Making the Business Case for Diabetes Prevention and Management


  • Making a Difference: The Business Community Takes on Diabetes

    This white paper is a call to action for business leaders to become involved in workplace and community activities to control diabetes-related complications. It provides information on the human and economic impact of diabetes and gives suggestions on how businesses can help employees with diabetes achieve improved glycemic control (published 9/99). Single copy $1. Commercial printer-ready Zip cartridges or CDs available. Call 1-900-890-8747.
  • Team Care: Comprehensive Lifetime Management for Diabetes

    This report was created to help organizational leaders in health care systems and health care purchasers implement multidisciplinary team care for people with diabetes in all clinical settings. It describes how to reduce the human and economic toll of diabetes through a continuous, proactive planned, patient-centered, and population based approach to care (published 4/01) Single copy free. Each additional copy, $1 Limit 6 copies.
  • Making Systems Change for Better Diabetes Care

    Betterdiabetescare is an easy-to-use comprehensive resource to help providers, educators, policy makers, planners and purchasers make important changes in systems of care for people with diabetes. The site has models of systems change, examples of best practices and links to many resources and references that cans assist in the design and implementation of outstanding systems for diabetes care delivery.
  • Healthy Workforce 2010: An Essential Health Promotion Sourcebook for Employers Large and Small

    This booklet educates business leaders about how worksite health promotion/disease prevention programs add to the bottom line.
This page last modified: November 17, 2023
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Diabetes Education Program is jointly sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with the support of more than 200 partner organizations.